

  1. All this beauty. And then you end with the stars. Lovely.

  2. Your photographs are lovely. I especially love the disappearing woman with the horse. Would love to hear your process. What motivates you to photograph an image, why you manipulate it and how. I think it is fascinating. Thanks for hanging around my blog. Please feel free to speak. I would love to get to know you :)


  3. I am sad to say that none of these pictures belong to me. They are only inspirational photos I have found. I wish I could say they were mine, but they aren't. But thank you so much for the lovely comment.


  4. So much inspiration, I'm loving all of these photographs.
    Your blog is so beautiful, dear. I've said that before, but I can't say it enough :)
    Thank you for your kind words! One day I will write a novel and I will send it to you xxx x

  5. the one with the horse is beautiful :)

  6. You are far too kind to me! I treasure your words, dear, so much. You made my day ♥
    Can't wait for your next post xxx x

  7. I'm in love with the witch one! :)
    Brooklyn babe, you have no idea how much your little words mean to me. I love you.

    p.s. I added you to my list of feathers. <3

  8. thank you for your lovely comment. these pictures are still so perfect, you've really found such lovely ones! xx

  9. You have such a talent my dear, of scouting out photographs that go straight through to my soul. You should take up photography sweetling, I feel that you have a very good eye and would be rather magnificent at it <3

    xx and hugs


  10. i love all these photos. wow

  11. amazing, the eye you have the color and ethereal order
    and loveliness that is apparent.
